THIS is how you write a job posting!
I don't know Komodo Health, but kudos to your talent acquisition (and marketing?) team!
What makes this job posting different than what I typically see?
Here are 3 areas I want to highlight:
Purpose: They start with who they are and what their purpose is and weave in their values in a way that is interesting to read and very relatable! Hell yes, I would want to be part of that!
Expectations/Outcomes: They define what you will accomplish the first12 months - brilliant! What a great way to be super clear about expectations and desired outcomes (and as a candidate, it helps you formulate what you will share in your interview).
Behaviors: Again, in a very easy to read format, they describe what you'll bring to the table. And see how they emphasize the behaviors? They have designed and are building a dynamic culture - not just hanging their values on the wall and hoping for the best!
Curious what your thoughts are on this format?
If there are any other companies who leave a memorable job posting, please share with me or comment below.
(Thanks to Matthew Gigot for sharing this one with me.)