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Avoid Ghosting Someone You Used to Work With

Don't do it.

Don't ghost someone you used to work with, who was recently laid off.

Reach out and check in on them. Take them out to lunch. Ask them if there is anything you can do to help. Show appreciation for their contributions.

Offer to open up your network to them or to make introductions. Engage in their content on LinkedIn - comment on it, share it.

Get over being uncomfortable. They don't need to be rescued. They just need to know they have your support.

A month ago, if that coworker experienced a different loss, you would have been there, offering support. What is stopping you now?

Wouldn't you appreciate the same consideration if the tables were turned?

Right now, your silence is deafening.

Do what's right, not what is comfortable. You (and they) will be glad you did.

And it will speak volumes to your character.

It's never too late to do the right thing.

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