In this week’s installment of “10 Reasons Why Starting a Business is Like Starting a Family,” I’m talking about patience. And boy—is patience hard to come by in both situations.
Teething. Potty training. Your teenager getting their temps. I could go on and on, but LinkedIn only gives us 3,000 characters for these posts.
It’s the same with business ownership. Having the patience to launch a business in the first place. Getting your financial and administrative ducks in a row. Landing that first client. Waiting for that first client to pay that first invoice.
But, it’s important to know that this is all part of the plan. Patience in business teaches you resilience. It drives you to work smarter. It helps you focus on the opportunities that are right for you. And—perhaps the most important—it amplifies your appreciation. The longer it takes you to work towards something, the sweeter it is when it finally happens.
Admittedly, it’s tough to be patient when you open up LinkedIn and it seems like everyone in your feed is making seven figures and they’ve only been in business for six months. 😉 In reality, though, it might be the best tool in your toolbox.