I can't remember who said this but it's one I've always loved:
🏔 "What if you jump off the cliff and it's a marshmallow landing?"
It's a great question, and one I don't think we ask ourselves nearly enough. As humans, we're so busy preparing for the worst-case scenario that we don't take the time and space to ponder something else: what if it does go right? Or, what if we do something and the repercussions aren't as bad as we feared? Would we be more open to trying if we knew we were going to metaphorically land on cushy marshmallows and bounce back?
I don't know about you, but I absolutely would.
This is what happens so many times in business and in leadership. We avoid taking action—or we over-analyze it to the point that the time for action comes and goes—and most of the time, it's not nearly as catastrophic as we thought.
I'm reminded of my own marshmallow landing when I decided to open my own physical office. First, it took a while for me to even consider it. But when I did consider it, I kept going back and forth on IF I should do it. You know what? It felt GREAT to see my business name go up and it has all worked out better than I could have imagined!
Do you have any examples of your own marshmallow landing that you'd like to share?