I always tell the leaders I work with, “I will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear — and I promise you it’s all in service of the greater good.”
Part of this work is helping uncover any blind spots — not only within the company they lead but for the leader themselves.
Because let’s be honest: it can be a little intimidating for a member of a CEO’s leadership team to deliver a contrary opinion or bring up some bad news — no matter how much of a disruptor they are. Especially when they aren’t sure if they feel that psychological safety that’s so important for bringing these concerns up in the first place.
It doesn't intimidate me, because frankly, that’s what I’m brought in to do. And truly great leaders know they have blind spots, and want to ensure they’re seeing clearly. That’s where an outside consultant can really help, all in the service of the greater good.