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Career Hindsight Bucket List

What’s On Your “Career Hindsight Bucket List”?

If I peeked at your professional “bucket lists” would I see things such as:

- Working for a specific company

- Leading an international team

- Experiencing your professional and personal life in a different country

- Becoming an expert in your field, with the speaking engagements, books, and podcast interviews to prove it

- Launching and scaling your own business

I’ve been thinking about how seldom we talk about the career opportunities and steps which may not have been part of our bucket lists. These opportunities can turn out to be some of your greatest accomplishments in hindsight.

Here are a few of my career highlight bucket list highlight which stick out for me:

✅ The seven summers I spent waitressing in Wisconsin Dells so I could afford to go to college.

✅ The two years I spent in Boston in the late 90s, working for a phenomenal organization called Conflict Management Inc. The company was started by Harvard-educated attorneys who taught and facilitated around conflict resolution and negotiation. I made some lifelong friends in the process–we are still meeting up over twenty years later!

✅ Taking a consulting gig out on Cape Cod that taught me how change management aligns to project management (while providing some pretty incredible scenery, too!).

✅ The seven years I spent at Madison Area Technical College transforming the student experience through the lens of enrollment—providing a new vision and direction for how we approached recruitment, admissions, enrollment, financial aid, transfer credit and student services, advising, and veterans services.

These accomplishments weren’t necessarily goals of mine, but they’re a BIG reason why I get to live out my bucket list right now with Hoege Consulting & Coaching. These opportunities helped me get the education, the insights, and the experiences, leading me to the work I now do. Tell me one “hindsight bucket list” item that stands out for you.

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