As you reflect back on 2022, “What is an ah-ha moment you had?”
Mine would have to be the power of coaching. I had always been keeping the narrative “in my head” but by doing so, I was holding myself back. (Or worse yet, allowing the narrative of others to hold me back.)
By “talking out loud,” being present, and being challenged by my coach and other coaches in my certification journey, I started to think bigger—and what a gift that has been.
Here’s what happened to me because of coaching:
stopped worrying about the small stuff
stopped playing it safe
let go of perfect
enjoyed celebrations
opened my own office Hoege Consulting & Coaching
started another business Waunakee Coworks
expanded my network
posted content 5 days a week on LinkedIn for the last 5 months
living my best life, every day
So back to my original question, “What has been an ah-ha moment for you this past year?”