Although I focus primarily on Executive Coaching, I’m really happy to see more companies embracing the “coaching for all” ethos. And this article I recently read from Protocol gets to the core of why more companies are offering coaching for everyone, not just the high-level leadership:
✔️It’s a personalized benefit that helps with recruitment and retention
✔️Coaching helps with change management—as we see more managers managing people whose jobs they’ve never had before, they’re finding they’re able to rely less on their experience. Coaching helps these managers learn how to listen, empathize, and acquire knowledge more effectively
✔️It can aid with advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion within an organization
✔️It can help employees further their education
There’s a lot of talk about this being the “new, trendy” benefit for companies, but I really hope there’s longevity here. Coaching can really help to narrow gaps and increase understanding between the levels of an organization — and we can never have enough of that.